From the Archives: Mother’s Day Comics

A FoxTrot mini collection featuring Mother’s Day strips from years past…

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 13, 2001 - Andy: You said I'd be having breakfast in bed, not Bedlam! Peter: It's Mother's Day, mom. You should be upstairs relaxing. Jason: Cool! The coffee's on fire! Paige: Which is the eggs and which is the bacon? Roger: Don't worry, dear — I'm supervising.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot comic strip by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 6, 1996 - Jason Fox: I found this pretty card to give to mom for mother's day. The only problem is it's blank inside. Which means I should really come up with a poem or something to put in it. "There once was a mom from Nantucket..." Peter Fox: You know, Jason, blank isn't necessarily bad.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 13, 2012 - Jason: Happy Mother's Day, mom! I made you breakfast in bed! Paige: Hey, I was going to make her breakfast in bed! Jason: You snooze, you lose! You should've set an alarm clock like I did. Paige: I did set my alarm! Jason: Well, then you should've set it to go off earlier. It's not my fault you don't plan for competitors. Paige: It's 3:00 AM! Jason: Don't yell. Dad's trying to sleep. Andy: Kids... please...

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 14, 2006 - Jason: Happy Mother's Day! Andy: What's this?? Jason: I hope you like it. It cost me two weeks' allowance. Andy: Sweetie, you didn't have to buy me a gift! Jason: Oh. Can I have it back, then? I still have the receipt... Andy: Glow-in-the-dark nail polish? Hmm. This might be hard to part with.

FoxTrot comic strip by Bill Amend - "Relaxing" published May 14, 2023 - Transcript: Roger Fox: The kid and I want you to have the most relaxing Mother's Day ever! You just stay here and read, and we'll take care of everything. Peter's gonna do the laundry, Jason is weeding the garden, Paige will cook dinner... Andy Fox: And this is supposed to RELAX me? Roger Fox: Oh, and I'll try fixing that stuck valve in our bathtub. Jason Fox: Were these weeds or tomato plants?

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 9, 2010 - Paige: As my Mother's Day gift, I won't use Facebook all day! Peter: As my Mother's Day gift, I won't watch TV all day! Jason: As my Mother's Day gift, I won't play "World of Warquest" all day! Andy: Thanks, kids! That's so thoughtful! Roger: Not entirely. The cable's out.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 10, 2009 - Jason: I drew you a picture of a flower for Mother's Day. Andy: That's so sweet! Thank you! Paige: I made you this clay paper clip dish. Andy: That's so precious! Thank you! Peter: I cleaned my room. Andy: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Roger: I drew you a picture of a flower. Andy: Nice try. Nordstrom opens in an hour.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 11, 2008 - Andy: Chocolates for Mother's Day? Why, thank you, Jason! Jason: It's a custom assortment, too! All the kinds you like, and none of the ones you don't! No lemon creams, no walnuts, no vanillas, no oranges, no marzipans... Andy: Why is the box two-thirds empty? Jason: By the way, can I skip dinner tonight? My stomach's feeling a little queasy.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 11, 2003 - Peter: Happy Mother's Day, mom! Paige: Happier Mother's Day, mom! Jason: Happiest Mother's Day, mom! Andy: Kids, you know everything doesn't have to be a contest. Peter: Sorry. Paige: Sorrier. Jason: Sorriest. Andy: This makes me wonder what happens with four children. Roger: Happiestest Mother's Day, sweetie!

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 14, 2000 - Jason: Happy Mother's Day, mom! Here are the keys to your brand-new jaguar convertible! And first-class tickets for a week of dining and shopping in Paris! And that diamond necklace from Tiffany's you said was so pretty! All made possible because you raised my allowance to $15,000 a week! Just think how happy we both are, now that you've done that! Happy... Happy... Andy: ZZZZ... yes, yes, very... zzzz... Roger: Dear, he's at it again. Wake up.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 12, 2002 - Andy: Jason, what are you doing?! Jason: Well, I'd hoped to keep this a surprise, but... as my Mother's Day gift to you, I'm earning you the high score in every one of my video games. Just as you are number one in my heart, "mom" is now number one in Roadkill Rally, Duke Quaken 3, Mario vs. Predator, and Rogue Starfleet. Andy: I told you no video games today until your room is clean! Jason: If expressing my love for my mother gets me in trouble, that's a price I'll gladly pay. Now if you'll excuse me, I have 237 levels of Nightmare Jim to get through. Andy: I can't decide whether to strangle that kid or hug him. Jason: Rats. I keep dying at 236.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot comic strip by Bill Amend - Mother's Day comic published May 10, 1998 - Peter Fox: I need a word that rhymes with "Mother." Paige Fox: How 'bout "brother." Paige Fox: Oh, wait - you want this poem to be flattering.. Peter Fox: Har har. Jason Fox: Peter, pass me a pencil. Peter Fox: Anyone can give their Mom bouquets of flowers..or chocolates to munch on for hours and hours..but what we have to offer beats any confection..for this Mother's Day we pledge you our undying affection. Andy Fox: Aw, kids, what a special gift! Thank you! Jason Fox: By the way, could you not tell Dad? He gave us each $5 to spend. Andy Fox: Peter and Paige! Get back here!

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - "Burning Love" published May 14, 2017 - Kids: Oh, darn. We burned the eggplant. Oh, darn. We burned the lima beans. Oh, darn. We burned the pickled tofu. Roger: The kids are having some trouble with your Mother's Day dinner request. Mind if we just order pizza? Kids: Oh, darn. We burned the cookbook.

Mother’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend