From the Archives: Father’s Day Comics

A FoxTrot mini-collection featuring Father’s Day comic strips from years past…

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 19, 2011 - [Jason's Father's day comic book] Panel 1: This is the story of Super Dad!!! By Jason Fox. Panel 2: Super Dad keeps his family safe!!! Roger: Do not kill your brother. Paige: But his iguana barfed on my pillow! Panel 3: Super Dad keeps his family fed!!! Andy: I found a recipe for braised tofu! Roger: That sounds like a lot of work. Why don't I just order us pizza? Panel 4: Super Dad makes his kids feel good about themselves!!! Roger: Checkmate again??? Jason: That's 20 million games in a row! Ready to call it a night? Panel 5: Super Dad deserves the best Father's Day gifts ever!!! Roger: New golf clubs and a new Ferrari??? Panel 6: Unfortunately, the allowance he gives his son is so small, all he will get from him this year is a homemade comic book. Can Super Dad save the day and remedy this wrong?!? Will Super Dad activate his power of the purse strings?!? Or will Super Dad be reading the answers to these questions in a comic book next year?!? Stay tuned!!! Roger: Are you kidding? This is a great gift! Jason: Super.

June 19, 2011


FoxTrot comic strip by Bill Amend - "Father's Day Games" published June 18, 2023 - Transcript: Peter Fox: Happy Father's Day! We pooled our money and got you this! Roger Fox: "AE Sports Extreme Golf 2k4k for the Gamestation 5"? Peter Fox: We know how much you love golf! Jason Fox: It seemed perfect for you! Roger Fox: Except for the fact that we don't OWN a Gamestation 5. Peter Fox: They have them in stock at Costclub. Jason Fox: Here's your wallet and car keys.

June 18, 2023


FoxTrot comic strip by Bill Amend - "Can’t Win" published June 20, 2021 - Roger Fox: Woohoo! Checkmate! I win! Wait a minute... that was almost too easy. You didn't intentionally lose just because it's Father's Day, did you?? You did! I can see it in your eyes! That does it ... we're starting over! And this time you have to really try to win! No holding back! Checkmate already? You can't checkmate me that quickly on Father's Day!

June 20, 2021


FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 21, 1998 - Peter Fox: How can a practically brand-new box of cereal be nothing but dust and crumbs?! ...He asked rhetorically. Jason Fox: Check out my new decoder ring! Peter Fox: So, Dad, got any big plans for the day? Roger Fox: Not really. I thought I'd hang out in my pajamas and read the newspaper for a while. Then maybe go out to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls. Come home..Take a nap on the lunch...take a nap on the hammock...Then drink beer and eat corn chips while watching baseball on TV all afternoon until dinner. Peter Fox: Boy, you sure knon how to do Father's Day right. Roger Fox: Today's Father's Day?

June 21, 1998


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 15, 2014 - Roger: Aww... It's a Happy Father's Day text from Peter! Aww... It's a Happy Father's Day Facebook message from Paige! Aww... It's a Happy Father's Day email from Jason! Roger: Is there a way to reply to all three of them at once? Andy: You're kidding, right?

June 15, 2014


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 17, 2007 - Peter: I mowed the lawn for your Father's Day gift. Roger: Thank you, Peter. This is a far cry from last Father's Day when you said you'd do it, then put it off and off and never got around to it. Peter: Today is Father's Day??

June 17, 2007


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 16, 2002 - Peter: In honor of Father's Day, Dad, we've decided to all pitch in and relieve you of your normal Sunday workload. Paige here will handle your watching golf and baseball on TV... Jason will take over your newspaper reading and long bathroom breaks... And I will shoulder the tasks of snacking, napping and general puttering for the day. Now you're finally free to do all those things you've had to put off, like painting the garage or cleaning out your closet! Roger: Have you noticed our kids developing a cruel sense of humor? Andy: Peter, you forgot trimming the hedges!

June 16, 2002


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 15, 2008 - Roger: Hold you glove out like this, son... Peter: Jason's playing catch with dad?? Paige: it's his Father's Day gift. Roger: That's it... A little higher... Paige: Jason told me that according to movies, throwing a baseball is the ultimate expression of father-son bonding. Roger: Ok, son, here comes the ball... ready... ready... ready... Jason: Ow! My nose! Roger: Much better that time. Peter: Did you remind him that Hollywood uses stunt men? Paige: And spoil the fun? Are you nuts?

June 15, 2008


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 18, 2000 - Roger: It's really nice of you to come out and play golf with me son on Father's Day, son. I know you're not exactly as enamored with this game as I am, and you'd probably rather be out and about with your friends. So I thought I'd let you know there's another things you could do that I'd probably enjoy even more. Peter: What's that? Roger: Not play golf with me. Peter: This putt is for eagle, right?

June 18, 2000


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 20, 2010 - Jason: Surprise flying ninja Father's Day hug! Roger: Oof! Thanks, son. Roger: It was really cute the first year our kids did that. Andy: ...about 50 pounds ago. Peter: Surprise flying ninja Father's Day hug!

June 20, 2010


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 17, 2001 - Roger Fox: I thought it'd be fun to spend a Father's Day fathering. Paige Fox: "Monopoly"? What's that? Peter Fox: This isn't some sort of Bill Gates lecture, is it? Jason Fox: The box says "game." Is that whole thing a cartridge?

June 17, 2001


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 16, 2013 - Peter: Can you give me bigger muscles? Maybe some chest hair, too? Is there a way to spice up the background? Now can you add a couple of swimsuit models? Perfect. Time to print and frame this baby! Jason: You know, I think what dad requested were just normal photos of us for Father's Day. Peter: Dad?? This one's for me!

June 16, 2013


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - "Happy Fat" published June 16, 2019 - [Paige makes Roger pancakes for Father's Day] Paige: They were supposed to spell out "Happy Father's Day," but I ran out of batter. Roger: Well, if I can eat all these, it'll be an appropriate message either way.

June 16, 2019


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Father's Day comic published June 15, 2003 - [Peter over-preps the grill] Roger: The script says I was supposed to do that. Peter: Happy Father's Day, Dad.

June 15, 2003


Father’s Day comics FoxTrot © Bill Amend