Educational Re-Use
Teachers, students and other educators should feel free to reprint any FoxTrot strip(s) for classroom (or class webpage) use without formal permission so long as the following conditions are met:
• The total number of strips used in one year is 7 or less
• The content in the strip(s) isn’t being altered (excerpts are okay)
• FoxTrot and ©Bill Amend are included somewhere if not already in the strip
• The audience is limited in nature (normal classroom use, a one-time presentation to fellow teachers at a conference, a school flyer alerting students to robotics team signups, etc.)
• The strip(s) won’t be printed on shirts or other merchandise
• The use is not commercial
If you wish to use a strip or strips more broadly, or in a manner where the guidelines don’t seem clear, please contact:
BreAnn Dunlap, Permissions Dept
Andrews McMeel Syndication
1130 Walnut Kansas City MO 64106