From the Archives: A Dozen FoxTrot Comics for Valentine’s Day

A mini FoxTrot collection featuring V-day strips from the past…

FoxTrot by Bill Amend - "Brain Candy" published February 14, 2010 - Jason: How did the heart become the symbol for love? The heart's just a pump. It's our brains that govern emotions. If you ask me, Valentine's candy should come in boxes shaped like brains. Plus, it'd be better for stores, since they could sell the leftovers at Halloween as zombie treats or something. Man, I wish I'd been born back when these traditions were being established. Andy: Had your father tried wooing me with a brain-shaped box of candy, you might not have been born, period. Jason: You say that about all my Valentine's ideas.
February 14, 2010
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Jason: Woohoo! Valentine's Day is this week! Andy: You seem excited. Jason: You bet I am! I'm going to make extra-special cards for all the girls that sort of like me! Andy: My little boy is finally growing up. Jason: What rhymes with "give it up, booger-breath"? Andy: I always speak on sentence too soon.
February 10, 2003
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - "Violets Are Not February" published 10, 2019 - Peter says: Roses are red ... Violets are not ... I like our big bed ... Don't make me sleep on the cot. Peter says: Worried how your Valentine's gift to mom will go over? Roger says: Let's just say I'm having second thoughts. Paige says: You got her wrinkle cream?!? Are you insane?!?
February 10, 2019
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Jason: I can't believe Eileen didn't give me a stupid Valentine's Day card! Peter: Did you give her one? Jason: Of course I did! I even wrote her a poem! Jason: "Roses are red, with stems of green, your breath smells bad, use more listerine." Peter: How strange she would return the courtesy. Jason: No kidding.
February 17, 2005
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - "Cupid Proof" published February 11, 2018 - Peter says: Why are you covered in tin cans? Jason says: Valentine's Day is coming up, so I made a suit of armor to protect myself from Cupid's Arrows. There'll be no love connections for me this week! At least I'm 90 percent sure. The armor has a few gaps. Peter says: Oh, I'm 100 percent sure.
February 11, 2018
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Paige: I wish it were just a LITTLE harder to spot our lockers on Valentine's Day. Nicole: Our suitors are probably all just procrastinators.
February 13, 2000
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Peter: Why the grouchy face? Jason: Mom says I have to read all of the Valentine's cards I got. Peter: You don't normally read them? Jason: Heck no! I don't want to expose myself to a bunch of girly flirtation! I mean, look at some of these... "Dear Jason, Happy Valentine's Day, you nerdy twit." Peter: Calling you a "nerdy twit" is flirting? Jason: It's an anagram of "trendy wit."
February 15, 2005
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Jason: Hi, I was interested in ordering a Valentine's bouquet for my sister. How expensive would an arrangement featuring an Amorphophallus Titanum be? You don't? Are you sure? It might be labeled "Titan Arum" or even just "Corpse Flower." No? Could you at least check in the back? It'd smell like rotting flesh. Yes, flesh. Phooey. OK, fine, what about Symplocarpus Foetidus? It'd have more of a skunk order. That's the third florist that's called me a weirdo and hung up. Marcus: Dude, buying Valentine's flowers for your sister IS pretty weird.
February 8, 2015
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Peter: Jason, I don't think you understand how fifth grade romance works. Jason: What do you mean? Peter: If you make your Valentine's card for this girl too obnoxious, she's going to htink you like her. If you make it too nice, she's going to think you like her. And if you make it too plain vanilla, she's going to think you're playing hard to get. Jason: Well, what can I write so she WON'T think I like her?! Peter: Actually, I moved on to sixth grade with fifth still a mystery. Jason: I suppose I could do it in code... that might buy me some time.
February 12, 1998
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - "Chocolate Sampler" published February 9, 2020 - Paige: Ooo... Is that Valentine's candy? Roger: It's a two-pound box of chocolates for your mother. Paige: Is it a kind she likes? Mom's pretty picky when it comes to chocolates. Maybe you should let me sample one, just to make sure. Oh, wait. It's an assortment? I should probably try one of each type, in that case. Yup, these are all good. You'll be fine. Peter: Ooo... Is that Valentine's candy? Roger: It's a one-pound box of chocolates for your mother.
February 9, 2020
FoxTrot by Bill Amend - Andy: How was school? Jason: It's Valentine's Day. How do you think school was? I've got a stupid shoebox full of stupid love notes from every stupid girl in my class. Can I take them to your office? Andy: Why note your bedroom? Jason: Your office has a paper shredder.
February 14, 2005
FoxTrot comic strip by Bill Amend - "Jowlentine's Day" published February 14, 2021 - Jason Fox: Happy Jowlentine's Day! Peter Fox: What's that? Jason Fox: I made it up. think of it as a more pleasant alternative to Valentine's Day. Rather than being about icky things like love and romance, Jowlentine's Day is all about how many candy hearts you can cram into your cheeks. GACK! GACK! COUGH! Dang. I keep choking on these things. Anyway, it's still more pleasant and less icky. Peter Fox: You have green drool on your chin, by the way.
February 14, 2021